Despite the dreadful pun that is this blog's title (for those not in the know, the main professional organization in our discipline is the Society for Cinema and Media Studies), we actually do very little combining of food and media studies around here.
So I want to pose a question that sort of combines those two things.
Breaking Bad returns next Sunday, July 17th. I am thinking of being dorky and making a themed dinner, or at least planning one and then not carrying the idea through. The question, then, is what should I make?
Some thoughts:
1. Alburquerque local cuisine? Googling "cuisine of New Mexico" gives me the idea that I would need four truckloads of green chiles. I don't like green chiles or anything spicy, really (except wasabi, and sometimes Panang curry).
2. Fried chicken, to commemorate Los Pollos Hermanos. However, the last time we had fried chicken, the boyfriend unit woke up at 3:00 a.m. with the worst migraine I've ever vicariously experienced. I think we both would prefer to avoid that happening again.
3. Nothing Skyler cooks looks very good, ever.
4. I don't want to have a dinner of peanut butter sandwiches with the crusts cut off.
5. I could probably make blue hard candy, but that isn't exactly dinner.
6. Hamburgers with ricin? Probably not a good idea, since I intend to live.
My desire to do something so incredibly dorky is not without precedent. I did a themed menu for the Parks and Recreation finale--but that show is oddly obsessed with food. I could probably do two weeks' worth of Parks and Rec menus. Hell, all you'd have to do is serve bacon on everything. (For the record, I made waffles. And bacon.)